
We investigate the relaxation of photoexcited Li(2)(+) chromophores solvated in Ne(n) clusters (n = 2-22) by means of molecular dynamics with surface hopping. The simplicity of the electronic structure of these ideal systems is exploited to design an accurate and computationally efficient model. These systems present two series of conical intersections between the states correlated with the Li+Li(2s) and Li+Li(2p) dissociation limits of the Li(2)(+) molecule. Frank-Condon transition from the ground state to one of the three lowest excited states, hereafter indexed by ascending energy from 1 to 3, quickly drives the system toward the first series of conical intersections, which have a tremendous influence on the issue of the dynamics. The states 1 and 2, which originate in the Frank-Condon area from the degenerated nondissociative 1(2)Π(u) states of the bare Li(2)(+) molecule, relax mainly to Li+Li(2s) with a complete atomization of the clusters in the whole range of size n investigated here. The third state, which originates in the Frank-Condon area from the dissociative 1(2)Σ(u)(+) state of the bare Li(2)(+) molecule, exhibits a richer relaxation dynamics. Contrary to intuition, excitation into state 3 leads to less molecular dissociation, though the amount of energy deposited in the cluster by the excitation process is larger than for excitation into state 1 and 2. This extra amount of energy allows the system to reach the second series of conical intersections so that approximately 20% of the clusters are stabilized in the 2(2)Σ(g)(+) state potential well for cluster sizes n larger than 6.

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