
We find half-BPS vortex solitons, at both weak and strong coupling, in the N=6 supersymmetric mass deformation of ABJM theory with U(N) x U(N) gauge symmetry and Chern-Simons level k. The strong coupling gravity dual is obtained by performing a Z_k quotient of the N=8 supersymmetric eleven dimensional supergravity background of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena corresponding to the mass deformed M2-brane theory. At weak coupling, the BPS vortices preserving six supersymmetries are found in the Higgs vacuum of the theory where the gauge symmetry is broken to U(1) x U(1). The classical vortex solitons break a colour-flavour locked global symmetry resulting in non-Abelian internal orientational moduli and a CP^1 moduli space of solutions. At strong coupling and large k, upon reduction to type IIA strings, the vortex moduli space and its action are computed by a probe D0-brane in the dual geometry. The mass of the D0-brane matches the classical vortex mass. However, the gravity picture exhibits a six dimensional moduli space of solutions, a section of which can be identified as the CP^1 we find classically, along with a Dirac monopole connection of strength k. It is likely that the extra four dimensions in the moduli space are an artifact of the strong coupling limit and of the supergravity approximation.

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