
The non-Abelian plane waves, first found in flat spacetime by Coleman and subsequently generalized to give pp-waves in Einstein–Yang–Mills theory, are shown to be -supersymmetric solutions of a wide variety of N = 1 supergravity theories coupled to scalar and vector multiplets, including the theory of SU(2) Yang–Mills coupled to an axion σ and dilaton ϕ recently obtained as the reduction to four dimensions of the six-dimensional Salam–Sezgin model. In this latter case they provide the most general supersymmetric solution. Passing to the Riemannian formulation of this theory we show that the most general supersymmetric solution may be constructed starting from a self-dual Yang–Mills connection on a self-dual metric and solving a Poisson equation for eϕ. We also present the generalization of these solutions to non-Abelian AdS pp-waves which allow a negative cosmological constant and preserve of supersymmetry.

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