
This paper presents a relativistic mechanism that can create a non-uniformity of a radial electric field on the low side and the high toroidal magnetic field side of tokamak plasmas. This mechanism is associated with the significant current velocity of electrons in the plasma for many experimental modes of tokamak operation. It is important that electric fields arise without the separation of charges in the plasma. The traditional approach to determining radial electric fields in tokamak plasmas gives a uniform radial electric field on magnetic surfaces inside the plasma, while there are no radial electric fields outside the plasma. The presented mechanism leads to the appearance of an electric field outside the plasma with a current, and a non-uniformity of the radial electric field on magnetic surfaces appears inside the plasma. The proposed mechanism can explain the experimentally measured non-uniformity of C+6 carbon ion toroidal rotation velocities in the Tore-Supra tokamak plasma.

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