
Abstract Recent guidance on nontherapeutic male circumcision (NTMC) from the UK focuses on ethical and legal issues, addressing in particular religious NTMC. The guidance is generally negative, especially regarding NTMC of minors. This contrasts to guidance provided in other countries where a wider range of literature has been reviewed. There is strong medical data showing that NTMC protects against urinary tract and sexually transmitted infections, dermatological problems, and genital cancers. A risk-benefit analysis of infant NTMC for the UK shows that benefits exceed risks by 200 to one, and that more than half of uncircumcised males may experience a foreskin-related adverse medical condition over their lifetime. Infancy presents a window of opportunity for NTMC, because the procedure is simpler, adverse event risk is low, convenience, quicker healing, good cosmetic outcome, lower costs, and provides immediate and lifelong benefits. This article reviews the evidence for possible benefit and offers a global perspective on NTMC which may be helpful in considering the merits and demerits of NTMC by families.

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