
Necessary to point out that the current system of tariff regulation is a prerequisite for the implementation of an effective customs policy and the implementation by customs authorities of the tasks of ensuring the economic security of the country. However, most countries don’t currently have the ability to actively respond to changes in the terms of trade by reducing or increasing tariff rates. Therefore, against the backdrop of a decrease in the customs and tariff protection of national markets, the role of non-tariff means of foreign trade policy is growing. It is non-tariff measures that are the main tool for protecting the domestic market and the country’s economy from unfair actions of foreign states in the field of foreign trade. The preference given to non-tariff measures is due to the fact that, unlike tariff measures, they do not constitute an additional tax burden for the population.
 Purpose. The article is devoted to the characterization of legal regulation of non-tariff regulation measures. The authors give classification to these measures and pay attention to their individual types: for example, product quotas.
 Methodology. he basis of the study is the dialectical-materialistic method of knowing objective reality and the general scientific and private scientific methods based on it (comparison, analysis, deduction, induction, formal-logical, comparative-legal, formal-legal, system-structural, interpretation method).
 The results of the study consist in the analysis of the term «non-tariff regulation measures», the formulation of their typology, the grounds for their application. The authors formulate a proposal for their codification at the supranational level.
 Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in the field of customs regulation or foreign trade.

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