
 Background: Supernumerary teeth are an infrequent developmental alteration causing alteration in normal arch form and occlusion. Multiple supernumerary teeth can be associated with some syndromes. However, it can be present in patients without any systemic pathology. Dens invaginatus is a dental developmental variation resulting from an alteration in the normal growth pattern of the dental papilla of a tooth. Cone Beam Computered Tomography (CBCT) could be used to diagnosis supernumerary tooth and dens invaginatus. Case report: A case of a 10-year-old girl with multiple supernumerary teeth without syndromic association is presented. A rare association with dens invaginatus was present. Supernumerary teeth were located in maxilla and mandible and cause severe tooth displacement and lip incompetence. Discussion: Hyperodontia is a number dental alteration of unknown etiology with a prevalence that varies between 0.1 and 3.8%. Dens in dente is a dental shape alteration of unknown etiology with variable prevalence depending on the population. This alteration puts the integrity and health of the affected tooth at risk. Early diagnosis is important in the long-term prognosis. Radiological tools are the appropriate option for diagnosis and are shown in this article. 

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