
In this paper we examine the stability of non-supersymmetric attractors in type IIA supergravity compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold, in the presence of sub-leading corrections to the N=$ pre-potential. We study black hole configurations carrying D0-D6 and D0-D4 charges. We consider the O(1) corrections to the pre-potential given by the Euler number of the Calabi-Yau manifold. We argue that such corrections in general can not lift the zero modes for the D0-D6 attractors. However, for the attractors carrying the D0-D4 charges, they affect the zero modes in the vector multiplet sector. We show that, in the presence of such O(1) corrections, the D0-D4 attractors can either be stable or unstable depending on the geometry of the underlying Calabi-Yau manifold, and on the specific values of the charges they carry.

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