
To compare the methods and motives of non-suicidal self-injurious behavior (NSIB) in conduct disorders and schizotypal disorder. The main group consisted of 91 patients (77.8%), aged 13-24 years, with behavioral disorders and NSIB, who completed questionnaires using the self-harm statements questionnaire. The younger subgroup consisted of 54 patients under the age of 18 with a diagnosis of «Behavior Disorders» (ICD-10 F91), the older subgroup included 37 patients aged 18 years or more with a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (F60.3). The comparison group consisted of 100 patients, aged 13-41 years with a diagnosis of schizotypal disorder (F21) and NSIB. We used clinical-psychopathological, standardized and statistical methods. Significant differences were revealed in the sexual preference for NSIB (p=0.0001), a number of leading types of NSIB, and the absence of differences in the motives of self-injurious behavior in patients of the compared groups. In the comparison group, cuts and cauterization prevailed as the leading type of NSIB, in patients with behavioral disorders prevailed obstacles to wound healing, which is hypothetically associated with the influence of obsessive psychopathological mechanisms, since pathological excoriation has the same nature as obsessive-compulsive disorder and is included with it in the same DSM-5 category. The impulsive subtype of NSIB observed in this situation usually arises due to an increasing sense of tension and is associated with the motive of intrapersonal self-regulation. The study showed that the difference between the compared nosological groups according to the methods and motives of self-harming actions is determined not so much by intergroup differences as by sex and age patterns within each of the compared groups. This allows us to talk about the proximity of the mechanisms of self-harm in various mental disorders, and the phenomenon of NSIB itself should be considered rather as a nosologically nonspecific psychopathological phenomenon.

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