
Neck pain (NP) is one of the most common complaints of patients in outpatient practice and is predominantly non-specific (musculoskeletal) in nature. When examining a patient with NP, it is necessary to rule out a specific cause of the condition. The diagnosis of nonspecific NP (NNP) is based on a clinical examination that excludes signs of specific NP (“red flags”). If there are no signs of specific NP (“red flags”), early (in the first 4 weeks) magnetic resonance imaging is not indicated. It is recommended to inform the patient with NNP about the favorable prognosis of the disease, its risk factors, avoidance of prolonged excessive static and physical activity, incorrect (non-physiological) positions and postures, the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises (kinesiotherapy) and the advisability of maintaining physical activity. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants can be used to relieve NNP. For subacute and chronic NNP, kinesiotherapy, manual therapy in combination with psychological therapy methods (for depressive and anxiety disorders, pain catastrophizing, pain behavior), and antidepressants are recommended. Radiofrequency denervation may be effective for chronic NNP associated with cervical facet joint pathology. There are no convincing data on the efficacy of electrotherapy, ultrasound, traction, and wearing a cervical collar in the absence of orthopedic indications. For preventive treatment of NNP, kinesiotherapy and an educational program to avoid excessive static and physical activity, incorrect positions and postures are recommended. The issues of duration and frequency of therapeutic exercises for the treatment and prevention of NNP need further investigation.

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