
Non-smoker protection and tobacco cessation Abstract. Objective: Whereas, on the one hand, employees in child and adolescent psychiatric institutions (CAP) have to enforce smoking bans among patients, on the other hand, they have a high likelihood of being smokers themselves. Little data are available on the enforcement of smoking regulations and what cessation support is offered by CAP institutions. Method: In an online survey, n = 78 senior staff members or directors of German CAP institutions (41.9 % of all addressed CAP institutions) responded to questions on smoking regulations, exceptions, and cessation support for employees. Results: The enforcement of comprehensive smoking bans is rarely reported (<20 % of CAP institutions). Employees are exempted or allowed to smoke mostly outside of the building (e. g., in designated smoking areas: 69-78 % depending on ward type). Cessation support was offered by less than half of the CAP institutions (47%). Conclusions: The data presented point toward future areas for tobacco control in CAP care, including transparent regulations, staff training, and dissemination of support for occupational smoking cessation.

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