
Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mutant mice, 3–4 months old, were used to identify and quantify the non-Purkinje cell GABAergic innervation of deep cerebellar nuclei. Glutamic acid decar☐ylase (GAD) immunoreactive structures appeared as dark dots throughout the 4 nuclei. Ultrastructural examination confirmed that each dot corresponded to an axon terminal. GAD-labeled boutons were large, contained tightly packed flattened vesicles and established Gray type II synapses with all nuclear neuronal populations. Thus, cytological criteria did not distinguish between Purkinje cell and non-Purkinje cell GAD-positive nerve terminals, since they shared many common features. The number of GAD-immunoreactive axon terminals in the deep nuclei of pcd cerebella was compared to that of normal C57BL mice. Despite an almost complete disappearance of Purkinje cells in the pcd mouse (less than 0.05% of these neurons remained in the mutants), the surface density of GAD-positive nerve terminals in the deep nuclear region was 37% of control value. Taking into account a volumetric decrease of 58% for the deep nuclei of the mutant cerebellum, we estimated the percentage of GAD-positive boutons innervating these nuclei to be 15% of normal values. This important residual innervation of the deep nuclei might arise from local GABAergic neurons, which were identified in the normal and mutant cerebella by immunostaining with an antiGABA antibody.

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