
The nature and physicochemical behaviour of carbon adsorbents prepared by heat treatment at 2450 °C of coals of different rank were studied by molecular probe chromatography. Irrespective of coal rank, the gas Chromatographic behaviour of probe molecules on heat-treated coals is characteristic of non-polar and non-specific adsorbents such as graphitized thermal carbon black. The heat of adsorption and permeability depend on coal rank. A generalized explanation is given to account for the heats of adsorption of probes on heat-treated coals, and may be applicable to other non-polar carbon/graphite materials. The experimental heats follow the trend of graphitizability and hence the d 002 value of the heat-treated coals. Good selectivity has been found with all the heat-treated coals for the separation of low-boiling isomeric hydrocarbons (up to C 6).

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