
Nonlinear four-wave light scattering (FWLS) on a three-level system is analyzed, adopting the density operator approach. A strong field Ω 1 is mixed by the material system with two fields Ω 2 and Ω 3 to yield an output field peaked at the frequency Ω 4 = Ω 1 + Ω 3 - Ω 2. The theory is developed within the dipole and Markov approximations. The strong resonant field is treated “exactly”, while the other fields are regarded as perturbations. The generated intensity is obtained as the expectation value of the photon number operator, estimated at the sixth order in the weak-field expansion. The generation of a coherent field at the frequency Ω 4 is due to processes where either a single molecule or a couple of molecules are involved. The total intensity is interpreted as the superposition of four contributions: a four-photon scattering process (FPS), a three-photon process (TPS), and two more processes related to resonance Raman scattering (RRS) and resonance fluorescence (RF). The method allows the deduction of nonlinearities in the generated intensity which are not included in fully perturbative treatment, and which, in the strong-field limit, originate the Rabi intensity dip of the lines.

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