
The partition function of ABJM theory on the three-sphere has non-perturbative corrections due to membrane instantons in the M-theory dual. We show that the full series of membrane instanton corrections is completely determined by the refined topological string on the Calabi-Yau manifold known as local P1xP1, in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit. Our result can be interpreted as a first-principles derivation of the full series of non-perturbative effects for the closed topological string on this Calabi-Yau background. Based on this, we make a proposal for the non-perturbative free energy of topological strings on general, local Calabi-Yau manifolds.


  • Well the non-perturbative structure for the free energy of topological string theory on the Calabi-Yau manifold known as local P1 × P1, since both problems are formally identical

  • We show that the full series of membrane instanton corrections is completely determined by the refined topological string on the Calabi-Yau manifold known as local P1 × P1, in the NekrasovShatashvili limit

  • Notice that the Gopakumar-Vafa representation of the free energy is precisely what is needed for the M-theory expansion: it resums the genus expansion order by order in the exponentiated parameter e−T, it leads to an expansion at large N in ABJM theory, but which is exact in k at each order in e−μ/k

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The grand potential

As it was shown in [5], the partition function of ABJM theory on the three-sphere, Z(N, k), is given by the matrix integral. The genus g free energies Fg(λ) can be calculated exactly as a function of λ, and order by order in the genus expansion, by using matrix model techniques [6] They contain non-perturbative information in α , since they involve exponentially small corrections of the form. It was conjectured in [6] that these terms correspond to worldsheet instantons wrapping a two-cycle CP1 ⊂ CP3, which were first considered in [27]. The Fermi gas approach makes it possible to determine both the subleading 1/N corrections and non-perturbative corrections due to D2-brane instantons. J(p)(μ, k) leads to the Airy function result for Z(N, k) first obtained in [25]

The structure of the non-perturbative corrections
Worldsheet instantons and the topological string
Membrane instantons and bound states
Calculating the grand potential
Membrane instantons as quantum periods
The refined topological string
Classical limit
Membrane instantons and quantum periods
The HMO cancellation mechanism in terms of BPS invariants
Analytic properties of the grand potential
A proposal for non-perturbative topological strings
From ABJM theory to arbitrary local Calabi-Yau manifolds
Toward non-perturbative refined topological strings
Conclusions and prospects for future work
A Quantum A-periods from the TBA system
B Quantum mirror map
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