
We consider a phenomenological extension of the minimal supersymmetricstandard model which incorporates non-minimal chaotic inflation,driven by a quartic potential associated with the lightestright-handed sneutrino. Inflation is followed by a Peccei-Quinnphase transition based on renormalizable superpotential terms,which resolves the strong CP and μ problems of the minimalsupersymmetric standard model provided that one related parameterof the superpotential is somewhat small. Baryogenesis occurs vianon-thermal leptogenesis, which is realized by the inflatondecay. Confronting our scenario with the current observationaldata on the inflationary observables, the baryon assymetry of theuniverse, the gravitino limit on the reheating temperature and theupper bound on the light neutrino masses, we constrain the effectiveYukawa coupling involved in the decay of the inflaton torelatively small values and the inflaton mass to values lower than1012GeV.

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