
This paper deals with the microalgal communities inhabiting four islands in the vicinity of Cierva Point (Antarctic Peninsula). Only one of these, Moss Is., is included in the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) No. 15 established by the Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research. Moss, Pingüino and Leopardo Is. hosted 29, 33 and 36 species respectively, on account of their large size and high environmental variability, while only seven species (two Cyanobacteria and five Chlamydomonadales) thrived in the hypereutrophic coastal pools of Mansilla Is. Cluster analysis performed on sampling sites on the basis of present species showed cryobiontic communities to have the most constant taxonomic composition amongst the sites. 14.7% of the species recorded were new for this area and were found exclusively at one of the islands. Only Pingüino Is., the closest to land, did not show any of such taxa. Twelve of the 61 species registered require further study in order to identify them, and some are probably new to science. Taking into account the rarity and patchy distribution of such species, we recommend that Pingüino, Leopardo and Mansilla Is. be included in the SSSI No. 15 in order to protect these possibly unique populations.

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