
ABSTRACT Here we present a study of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) effects on the exoplanetary spectra of a collection of molecules that are key in the investigation of exoplanet atmospheres: water, methane, carbon monoxide, and titanium oxide. These molecules are chosen as examples of different spectral ranges (infrared and ultraviolet), molecular types (diatomics and polyatomics), and spectral types (electronic and rovibrational); the importance of different vibrational bands in forming distinct non-LTE spectral features is investigated. Most notably, such key spectral signatures for distinguishing between the LTE and non-LTE cases include: for CH4 the 3.15 $\mu$m band region; for H2O the 2.0 and 2.7 $\mu$m band regions; for TiO, a strong variation in intensity in the bands between 0.5 and 0.75 $\mu$m; and a sole CO signature between 5 and 6 $\mu$m. The analysis is based on the ExoMol cross-sections and takes advantage of the extensive vibrational assignment of these molecular line lists in the ExoMol data base. We examine LTE and non-LTE cross-sections under conditions consistent with those on WASP-12b and WASP-76b using the empirically motivated bi-temperature Treanor model.

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