
We investigate the Ward identities of the $\W_{\infty}$ symmetry in the super-Liouville theory coupled to the super-conformal matter of central charge ${\hat c}_M = 1-2(p-q)^2 /pq$. The theory is classified into two chiralities. For the positive chirality, all gravitationally dressed scaling operators are generated from the $q-1$ gravitational primaries by acting one of the ring generators in the R-sector on them repeatedly. After fixing the normalizations of the dressed scaling operators, we find that the Ward identities are expressed in the form of the {\it usual} $\W_q$ algebra constraints as in the bosonic case: $\W^{(k+1)}_n \tau =0$, $(k=1,\cdots,q-1 ;~ n \in {\bf Z}_{\geq 1-k})$, where the equations for even and odd $n$ come from the currents in the NS- and the R-sector respectively. The non-linear terms come from the anomalous contributions at the boundaries of moduli space. The negative chirality is defined by interchanging the roles of $p$ and $q$. Then we get the $\W_p $ algebra constraints.

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