
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are now attributing to 71% of the total global deaths and hence in 2011, United Nations set a target to reduce premature NCD death by 25% by 2025.[1] Among all the major NCDs, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) especially ischemic heart disease and stroke are the chief contributors of death and disability.[2] Globally 19.1 million deaths are reported in the year 2020 only due to CVD. It is now imparting a dual burden of disease due to steadily escalating cases and disease occurring at relatively early age especially in developing countries. This results in significant clinical and cost implications imparting huge burden on health system. Cardiovascular disease management cost which was around 863 US$ is expected to rise at around 1044 US$ by 2030.[3] So, in order to achieve the NCD targets for 2025, it is imperative to design robust strategies for prevention and control of CVDs and its risk factors. With early identification and robust primary health care systems, developed nations are witnessing reduction in CVD incidences, however developing countries still share 50% of total mortality and 80% of the disease burden. These countries have additional challenge of resource limitation along with larger proportion of the population to be catered and hence they require cost-effective and contextual solutions for the disease. Most effective strategy for managing CVD is prevention and early identification of warning signs. This includes both primordial and primary preventive checkups of the population in very early age (from 30 years) through affordable solutions. Read more...

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