
The influence of a range of polyoxyethylated non-ionic surfactants upon the transport of [14C]-paraquat dichloride across rabbit isolated gastric mucosa was investigated. Paraquat was shown to cross the mucosal epithelium by passive diffusion. Certain members of the surfactant series enhanced transmucosal paraquat transfer at low surfactant concentrations (e.g. 0.001%) but the occurrence and magnitude of this effect was not dependent in a simple manner upon surfactant structure of physiochemical properties. At micellar concentrations the increase in paraquat transport was greatest with those surfactants possessing both ethylene oxide chains of 10-20 units and alkyl chains longer than C7-C9. The most effective absorption promoter was found to be Brij 36T (C12E10). At micellar surfactant concentrations the enhancement of paraquat transfer appeared, from histological evidence, to be related to the ability of the surfactants to solubilize membrane components and disrupt epithelial cells.

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