
A real time wearable medical device for monitoring of urological parameters like bladder pressure, urine flow rate is measured by using cyst metric test and uroflow metric test. It is a invasive method, Patients needs local anesthesia, and patient may feel discomfort for few days. Such problems will be overcome by using a Near Infrared Spectroscopy Device. Near Infrared Spectroscopy is an optical technique, utilizes light in the NIR Spectrum ranges between 700nm – 1000nm has a high penetration depth in the living tissue. In urology, NIRS has been utilized to screen bladder muscle work and to analyze bladder brokenness. Since, it is a Noninvasive method; it is compatible for patients like Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Spinal Card injury, elderly patients with incontinence and neurological disorders. With such a gadget utilized as a sensor with a caution, it is thus achievable to caution the subject when the volume of pee in his/her bladder arrives at a pre-decided edge of bladder limit. This technique would possibly empower patients in danger for urinary maintenance to shield themselves from renal harm.

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