
Background: Prolonged colonic congestion in children with chronic constipation and dolichosigma are characterized by a permanent imbalance of gut microflora, secondary inflammation and degeneration of the sigmoid wall. There is plenty of research papers on the optic non-invasive diagnostics in medicine, based on spectrophotometry and laser spectral analysis. Aim: To study morphologic and functional state of the sigmoid wall for detection of inflammation and degeneration in the sigmoid wall and optimization of treatment of children with dolichosigma and long-standing constipation. Materials and methods: From 2009 to 2014, 30 children with dolichosigma were seen in the Department of Pediatric surgery of MONIKI. All patients were hospitalized after unsuccessful conservative treatment in in-patient clinics of the Moscow Region. The children underwent a set of investigations for objective assessment of degree of the secondary inflammatory and degenerative abnormalities in the sigmoid wall, such as microbiological assessment, cytological assessment and fluorescent diagnostics. Results: There was no caused by dolichosigma. It maintains chronic inflammation and may play an indirect role in abnormalities of gut motor function. Inflammatory and degenerative abnormalities were confirmed by a cytological investigation of wall-adjacent biopsy of the sigma. The results of the complex assessment showed moderate inflammation and degeneration in the sigmoid wall in 20 children; subsequent conservative treatment of chronic colostasis was effective. Ten children had advanced secondary inflammatory and degenerative abnormalities of the sigmoid wall, with high levels of elastin and collagen in the colon wall. Surgery was performed in 6 children with the highest degree of fibrous transformation of the sigma. Conclusion: Complex assessment of the sigmoid wall, including fluorescent diagnostics and microbiological and cytological investigations, allows for detection and description of secondary inflammatory and degenerative abnormalities and subsequent choice of individualized treatment.


  • Prolonged colonic congestion in children with chronic constipation and dolichosigma are characterized by a permanent imbalance of gut microflora

  • 30 children with dolichosigma were seen in the Department of Pediatric surgery

  • All patients were hospitalized after unsuccessful conservative treatment in in-patient clinics

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Материал и методы

С 2009 по 2014 г. в отделении детской хирургии ГБУЗ МО МОНИКИ им. М.Ф. При поступлении всем пациентам проводилось комплексное обследование, объективизирующее характер и степень вторичных воспалительно-дегенеративных изменений в стенке сигмовидной кишки: микробиологическое исследование, цитологическое исследование и флюоресцентная диагностика. Микробиологическое исследование содержимого толстой кишки проводилось по общепринятой методике и включало выявление пато-. Филюшкина «Комплексная оценка морфофункционального состояния стенки сигмовидной кишки при хронических запорах у детей с долихосигмой». Дисбактериоз оценивали согласно отраслевому стандарту 91500.11.0004-2003 «Протокол ведения больных. При проведении колоноскопии осуществлялась щеточная пристеночная биопсия слизистой сигмовидной кишки (материал скарификации слизистой сигмовидной кишки), а также исследование ткани стенки кишки методом флюоресцентной диагностики со стороны слизистой. Численные показатели флюоресценции коллагена и эластина оценивались с использованием коэффициента относительной флюоресцентной фракции белков, что позволяло определять степень вторичных воспалительно-дегенеративных изменений в стенке сигмовидной кишки и давало возможность более дифференцированно корректировать хирургическую тактику

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