
Annual patterns of faecal cortisol metabolite (FCM) secretion were examined in six captive numbats (Myrmecobius fasciatus). The use of enzyme-immunoassay for the measurement of FCM in the numbat faeces was validated using an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge and the resultant FCM measurements represent the first description of adrenal endocrinology in this species. Total overall, baseline and peak FCM mean concentrations varied according to individual, but not gender. For males, mean baseline and overall FCM secretion was higher in spring in summer (compared to winter and autumn) and was elevated during the breeding season. For females, mean baseline FCM secretion did not differ by season or breeding season, but mean overall FCM secretion was elevated during the breeding season. Thus, male (but not female) numbats display an annual change in FCM secretion that is strongly linked to their seasonal pattern of reproduction. Significant FCM elevations (n=178) were observed in response to 20 different stressors, with these stressors being allocated to one of six categories: ANIM, ENVIRO, HAND, HEALTH, MAN and UNK. The mean proportion of positive responses to each category varied according to category, season and breeding season, but did not vary by individual or gender. ANIM and HEALTH stressors elicited a higher response rate than all other categories and an increase in the number of ANIM, ENVIRO, and HEALTH stressors were observed during the breeding season. Although there were multiple stressors within the captive environment that the numbats reacted to, this did not translate into a welfare issue.

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