
AbstractIt is well-known that an integrally closed domain D can be expressed as the intersection of its valuation overrings but, if D is not a Prüfer domain, most of the valuation overrings of D cannot be seen as localizations of D. The Kronecker function ring of D is a classical construction of a Prüfer domain which is an overring of D[t], and its localizations at prime ideals are of the form V(t) where V runs through the valuation overrings of D. This fact can be generalized to arbitrary integral domains by expressing them as intersections of overrings which admit a unique minimal overring. In this article we first continue the study of rings admitting a unique minimal overring extending known results obtained in the 1970s and constructing examples where the integral closure is very far from being a valuation domain. Then we extend the definition of Kronecker function ring to the non-integrally closed setting by studying intersections of Nagata rings of the form A(t) for A an integral domain admitting a unique minimal overring.

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