
Efforts at improving cesarean section techniques have continued over time. The only study on omission of bladder flap formation at cesarean section did not evaluate long-term effects like adhesion formation. A 3-year prospective non-randomized study of 142 primary cesarean sections with omission of bladder flap formation comprising 23 (16.2%) elective and 119 (83.8%) emergency cases was done to assess the short and long term effects. Participants in the study that had subsequent repeat cesarean sections were examined intraoperatively for adhesion formation and scored. Sub-umbilical midline incisions were used uterine wounds were closed in two layers with chromic catgut 2 the first layer with interlocking sutures. Both peritoneums were repaired with chromic catgut sutures. Rectus sheath was repaired with Nylon 1 non-interlocking sutures. Subcutaneous layers were repaired with chromic catgut 2/0 sutures. (excerpt)

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