
The single minichromosome maintenance (MCM) protein found in most archaea has been widely studied as a simplified model for the MCM complex that forms the catalytic core of the eukaryotic replicative helicase. Organisms of the order Methanococcales are unusual in possessing multiple MCM homologues. The Methanococcus maripaludis S2 genome encodes four MCM homologues, McmA-McmD. DNA helicase assays reveal that the unwinding activity of the three MCM-like proteins is highly variable despite sequence similarities and suggests additional motifs that influence MCM function are yet to be identified. While the gene encoding McmA could not be deleted, strains harbouring individual deletions of genes encoding each of the other MCMs display phenotypes consistent with these proteins modulating DNA damage responses. M. maripaludis S2 is the first archaeon in which MCM proteins have been shown to influence the DNA damage response.

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