
Irreversible opinion spreading phenomena are studied on small-world networks generatedfrom 2D regular lattices by means of the magnetic Eden model, a non-equilibrium kineticmodel for the growth of binary mixtures in contact with a thermal bath. In this model, theopinion or decision of an individual is affected by those of their acquaintances, but opinionchanges (analogous to spin flips in an Ising-like model) are not allowed. In particular, wefocus on aspects inherent to the underlying 2D nature of the substrate, such as domaingrowth and cluster size distributions. Larger shortcut fractions are observed tofavor long-range ordering connections between distant clusters across the network,while the temperature is shown to drive the system across an order–disordertransition, in agreement with previous investigations on related equilibrium spinsystems. Furthermore, the extrapolated phase diagram, as well as the correlationlength critical exponent, are determined by means of standard finite-size scalingprocedures.

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