
Bronchiectasis is a pathological abnormality of the airways in which there is permanent dilatation and thickening of the airways. Precise incidence/prevalence in India is not known. Recent data suggests that about 1 % young children admitted in a hospital with pneumonia may develop bronchiectasis. Due to significant burden of pneumonia in young children in developing countries including India, it may be a significant problem that is possibly under recognized. Causes of bronchiectasis depend on the burden of respiratory infections and availability of the investigations for identification of the underlying cause. Post infectious causes are common in countries where infections are more common; however, since these countries are usually resource constrained and therefore, are not able to appropriately diagnose the other causes, leading to more than real overrepresentation of infections as a cause. In countries with less of infectious illnesses and good diagnostic facilities, malformations of airways, immune deficiency disorders and primary ciliary dyskinesia are common causes of bronchiectasis. High resolution CT scan of chest confirms the diagnosis. Treatment is supportive care and consists of maintenance of nutrition, airway clearance and antibiotics for exacerbations. Medical treatment is successful in the majority.

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