
The three radical, anion and cation forms of B2N(−,0,+) have been studied inside the B12N12 ring and compared with one another in terms of non-covalent interaction. Not only does the symmetry breaking (SB) of B2N(−,0,+) exhibit an energy barrier in the scale of millihartree (10–50) (depending on whether it is in on ionic or neutral forms), but it also create several SBs through the asymmetry stretching and bending mode interactions. We have previously figured out that the double well minimum of the BNB’s potential diagram is due to the lack of the proper permutational symmetry of its wave function and charge distribution. In this study, an extreme enhancement in the energy barrier of SB effect was observed upon the interaction of BNB (both radical and cation) with B12N12 ring. Such amount was not observed for the isolated BNB structure. Depending on the diameter of B n N n and whether the system is ionic or radical, the interaction of B2N(0,−,+) with the ring is either repulsive or attractive. The BN(−,0,+) B–B12N12 system works as a quantum rotatory system, which has a range of spectrum in the IR region due to the alternative attraction and repulsion forces.

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