
Angina is usually classified as a symptom of an underlying cardiovasculardisease which is one of the most common disorder that is affecting the human lifenow a days. It is presented as a throbbing chest pain that can radiate to left armand back due to ischemia of major vessel supplying blood to heart. Several drugclasses and their combination has long been used to treat angina for e.g. Nitrates,Nitrites, Calcium channel blockers, Beta blockers and sodium channel blockersto improve the demand vs supply ratio of oxygen so that the heart muscles canperform its function effectively. The increasing prevalence of disease andresulting resistance to conventional therapy has urged scientists to find otherways that can help in the management of this disease. Cardiovascular andconsequently angina is thus the focus of many studies. In this review a number ofstrategies and their associated mechanisms has been discussed which includeLife style modification, Yoga, Acupuncture therapy, Herbal treatment , L-arginine,L-carnitine, Omega 3 fatty acids, Gene therapy, Cell therapy, Chinese Medicine,and Interventions like Spinal cord Stimulation, Percutaneous coronaryintervention, Enhance external counter pulsation, Extracorporeal shockwavemyocardial revascularization, Transmyocardial laser revascularization,transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, percutaneous retrograde coronarysinus perfusion. Coronary sinus perfusion, Coronary sinus reducer, Videothoracoscopic sympathectomy (VTSY) may help in short term and long-termmanagement of angina

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