
In this paper we discuss a family of models of particle and energy diffusion on a one-dimensional lattice, related to those studied previously in Sasamoto and Wadati (Phys Rev E 58:4181–4190, 1998), Barraquand and Corwin (Probab Theory Relat Fields 167(3–4):1057–1116, 2017) and Povolotsky (J Phys A 46(46):465205, 2013) in the context of KPZ universality class. We show that they may be mapped onto an integrable $${\mathfrak {sl}}(2)$$ Heisenberg spin chain whose Hamiltonian density in the bulk has been already studied in the AdS/CFT and the integrable system literature. Using the quantum inverse scattering method, we study various new aspects, in particular we identify boundary terms, modeling reservoirs in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics models, for which the spin chain (and thus also the stochastic process) continues to be integrable. We also show how the construction of a “dual model” of probability theory is possible and useful. The fluctuating hydrodynamics of our stochastic model corresponds to the semiclassical evolution of a string that derives from correlation functions of local gauge invariant operators of $$\mathcal {N}=4$$ super Yang–Mills theory (SYM), in imaginary-time. As any stochastic system, it has a supersymmetric completion that encodes for the thermal equilibrium theorems: we show that in this case it is equivalent to the $${\mathfrak {sl}}(2|1)$$ superstring that has been derived directly from $$\mathcal {N}=4$$ SYM.


  • 1.1 The settingStochastic systems may be described by a linear operator – called here the Hamiltonian H – that describes the infinitesimal evolution of the probability distribution

  • Seen as a stochastic operator the bulk Hamiltonian density is related to the q-Hahn Asymmetric Zero Range Process (AZRP) of Barraquand and Corwin [2], which in turn generalizes the q-Hahn Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process (TAZRP) introduced in [3] by allowing jumps in both directions

  • In contrast to the stochastic R-matrix approach, where the particle process is described in terms of two commuting Hamiltonians which generate left and right moving particles separately, we find that the standard nearest-neighbor Hamiltonian of the non-compact spin chain yields immediately a process of particles hopping to the left and the right

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The setting

Stochastic systems may be described by a linear operator – called here the Hamiltonian H – that describes the infinitesimal evolution of the probability distribution. Another popular system is the Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti (KMP) model [4], where each pair of neighboring sites exchange randomly their energies It was realized years ago [5, 6] that it may be put in direct relation with a chain of sl(2) ‘spins’ H = i 2S0[i]S0[i+1] − S+[i]S−[i+1] − S−[i]S+[i+1] satisfying at each site of the spin chain the commutation relations [S0, S±] = ±S±, [S+, S−] = −2S0. Non-compact integrable spin chains were studied in theoretical physics, in relation to high energy QCD [8,9,10], N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory (N = 4 SYM) [11,12,13] and the AdS/CFT dual string theory limit considered in [14,15,16] Their interpretation as stochastic processes has not been studied.

Models and relation to previous literature
Informal description of the main results
Non-compact spin chains as integrable stochastic process
Rational limit of Sasamoto -Wadati model
Scaling limit leading to integral form
General spin and relation to q-Hahn zero range process
Quantum inverse scattering method
Construction of the transfer matrix with two-dimensional auxiliary space
Fundamental transfer matrix
General solution to the boundary Yang-Baxter equation
Derivation of the stochastic boundary terms
The right boundary
The left boundary
Symmetries and Bethe ansätze
Duality function
Proof of duality
Bulk duality
Boundary duality
Correlation functions
Other dualities
Semiclassical string and fluctuating hydrodynamics
Stochastic dequantization
Stochastic requantization and superstring
Conclusion and outlook
A Taylor expansion
B Infinite sums
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