
We present the classical solutions to the Einstein field equations derived using the WKB-like and Hamilton procedures. The investigation is carried out in the commutative and noncommutative scenario for the Bianchi type I cosmological model coupled to barotropic perfect fluid and $\lambda $ Cosmological for two different gauges. Noncommutativity is achieved by modifying the symplectic structure considering that all minisuperspace variables $\rm q^i$ does not commute and by a deformation between all the minisuperspace variables. In the gauge N=1, it is possible to obtain that the anisotropic parameter $\rm \beta_{\pm nc}$ tend to a constant curvature for large period of time considering different values in the noncommutative parameters $\theta$ and cosmological term. However, this behavior give the idea that is necessary introduce other class of matter in the models, for to have a real isotropization in the model, such as dark energy or dark matter.

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