
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a debatable condition that affects less than 6% of children. The absence of specific diagnostic markers and standardized diagnostic procedures make the diagnosis of NCGS challenging, covering patients with different and varied symptoms. Generally, the parents of small and younger children introduce a gluten-free diet (GFD) based on their personal experiences and expectations. Additionally, a “fad component” exists, contributing to the recent rise in the popularity of GFD. Thus, celiac disease (CD) and wheat allergy (WA) must be excluded as these also appear in individuals experiencing symptoms similar to those of NCGS, improving and worsening with gluten withdrawal and consumption, respectively. The role of gluten inducing gastrointestinal symptoms in individuals with self-reported NCGS has been skeptically assessed based on evidence in recent years. However, currently, it is unknown whether a strict GFD is necessary for patients with NCGS. Thus, the placebo-controlled gluten challenge remains the gold standard for a challenging diagnosis like NCGS. The present review evaluates the published studies based largely on the adult population and describes the key elements in diagnosing NCGS and differential diagnosis with CD and WA.

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