
The drastic changes in the world scene in the 1990’s such as the declaration of the end of the Cold War. The Non-alignment movement had been perceived differently by the “aligned” of the East and the west. The NAM originally developed in the context of a bipolar world. In course of time other centers of power came up and used their military and economic capacities to bend the policies of newly- free or small countries to fit in with their strategies. Today even this multi polarity is less in evidence.


  • Global politics represents a transnational world, containing elements of many cultures, political practices and power structures

  • The growing significance of international organizations, law and norms in the post-Cold War system, the rise and consequences of interdependence and liberalization in the international political economy, and the spread of capitalism and regional integration are all linked to the globalization process

  • Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) can be termed as a situational movement that developed out of the anti-imperialist movement and later served as an instrument to safeguard the interests of small powers in the biopolar world and continues to serve that purpose even in the changed world scenario

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Global politics represents a transnational world, containing elements of many cultures, political practices and power structures. “NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT IN THE GLOBAL POLITICS ERA.” International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 7(8), 507-512.

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