
A smooth reversible dynamical system (SRDS) and a system of nonlinear functional equations, defined by a certain rational quadratic Cremona mapping and arising from the static model of the dispersion approach in the theory of strong interactions (the Chew-Low equations for p- wave πN- scattering) are considered. This SRDS is splitted into 1- and 2-dimensional ones. An explicit Cremona transformation that completely determines the exact solution of the two-dimensional system is found. This solution depends on an odd function satisfying a nonlinear autonomous 3-point functional equation. Non-algebraic integrability of SRDS under consideration is proved using the method of Poincaré normal forms and the Siegel theorem on biholomorphic linearization of a mapping at a non-resonant fixed point. The proof is based on the classical Feldman-Baker theorem on linear forms of logarithms of algebraic numbers, which, in turn, relies upon solving the 7th Hilbert problem by A.I. Gel'fond and T. Schneider and new powerful methods of A. Baker in the theory of transcendental numbers. The general theorem, following from the Feldman-Baker theorem, on applicability of the Siegel theorem to the set of the eigenvalues λ ϵ C n of a mapping at a non-resonant fixed point which belong to the algebraic number field A is formulated and proved. The main results are presented in Theorems 1–3, 5, 7, 8 and Remarks 3, 7.

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