
The taxonomic status (or the taxonomic status of the onomatophores) of seven nomina are revised: Eulaema meriana (Olivier, 1789), Euglossa piliventris Guérin-Méneville, 1844, Exaerete appendiculata (Romand, 1849), Exaerete subcornuta (Romand, 1849), Eufriesea danielis (Schrottky, 1907), Euglossa fimbriata Moure, 1968, and Eufriesea yepezi (Moure, 2000). Lectotype is designated for Euglossa piliventris Guérin-Méneville, 1844. Neotypes are designated for Apis meriana Olivier, 1789 and Apis dimidiata Fabricius, 1793 based on the same specimen and A. dimidiata Fabricius, 1793 became an objective synonym of A. meriana Olivier, 1789. Chrysantheda subcornuta Romand, 1849 is shown to be a senior objective synonym of Chrysantheda appendiculata Romand, 1849 and their synonymy under Exaerete dentata (Linnaeus, 1758) is questioned and discussed. Eumorpha combinata danielis Schrottky, 1907 is confirmed as a junior subjective synonym of Eufriesea auriceps (Friese, 1899), but the status of its onomatophore is reconsidered. Moreover, a long overlooked Euglossa dentata var. maxima Romand, 1849, nom. nud. and Euplusia yepezi Moure, 2000, nom. nud. are discussed for the first time. Both nomina Euglossa fimbriata Moure, 1968 and Euglossa fimbriata Rebêlo & Moure, 1996are available, but the latter is permamently invalid as a junior primary homonym of the former. An updated catalogue of all orchid bee nomina is also provided.

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