
In the two decades of Nollywood’s existence, the industry has x-rayed the gamut of human happenings in Nigeria and non-Nigerian societies and films based on themes within the realms of the emotional, psychological, political, social, religious, ritual, cultural, economic and more have been produced. The various genres of filmic arts have been employed and the products of this filmic media have been produced for local and international circulation. No sphere of the Nigerian society has remained sacrosanct from Nigerian Movie Makers. The theme of Motherhood has, like other themes, been variously explored severally in Nollywood films. Motherhood in the Nigerian society is greatly esteemed and held sacred. It is at the same time an institution in which the mothers most times are treated with less than the dignity, respect and humanity they deserve from the society. The portrayal of Motherhood in Nollywood movies, have also spanned the spectrum of conceivable and inconceivable mothering abilities in the Nigerian society. This essay intends to critically analyse the concept of motherhood as portrayed by the Nollywood Movie industry, using select relevant films to advance our purpose. Findings are expected to determine the level of accuracy in the portrayals vis-a-vis the levels of poetic liberty appropriated in the presentations of motherhood and its impact on the society in the contemporary Nigerian reality.

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