
Consider a probability measure on a Hilbert space defined via its density with respect to a Gaussian. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that an appropriately defined Markov chain, which is reversible with respect to the measure in question, exhibits a diffusion limit to a noisy gradient flow, also reversible with respect to the same measure. The Markov chain is defined by applying a Metropolis–Hastings accept–reject mechanism (Tierney, Ann Appl Probab 8:1–9, 1998) to an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) proposal which is itself reversible with respect to the underlying Gaussian measure. The resulting noisy gradient flow is a stochastic partial differential equation driven by a Wiener process with spatial correlation given by the underlying Gaussian structure. There are two primary motivations for this work. The first concerns insight into Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods for sampling of measures on a Hilbert space defined via a density with respect to a Gaussian measure. These measures must be approximated on finite dimensional spaces of dimension N in order to be sampled. A conclusion of the work herein is that MCMC methods based on prior-reversible OU proposals will explore the target measure in O(1) steps with respect to dimension N. This is to be contrasted with standard MCMC methods based on the random walk or Langevin proposals which require O(N) and O(N^(1/3)) steps respectively (Mattingly et al., Ann Appl Prob 2011; Pillai et al., Ann Appl Prob 22:2320–2356 2012). The second motivation relates to optimization. There are many applications where it is of interest to find global or local minima of a functional defined on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Gradient flow or steepest descent is a natural approach to this problem, but in its basic form requires computation of a gradient which, in some applications, may be an expensive or complex task. This paper shows that a stochastic gradient descent described by a stochastic partial differential equation can emerge from certain carefully specified Markov chains. This idea is well-known in the finite state (Kirkpatricket al., Science 220:671–680, 1983; Cerny, J Optim Theory Appl 45:41–51, 1985) or finite dimensional context (German, IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 1:269–276, 1985; German, SIAM J Control Optim 24:1031, 1986; Chiang, SIAM J Control Optim 25:737–753, 1987; J Funct Anal 83:333–347, 1989). The novelty of the work in this paper is that the emergence of the noisy gradient flow is developed on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. In the context of global optimization, when the noise level is also adjusted as part of the algorithm, methods of the type studied here go by the name of simulated–annealing; see the review (Bertsimas and Tsitsiklis, Stat Sci 8:10–15, 1993) for further references. Although we do not consider adjusting the noise-level as part of the algorithm, the noise strength is a tuneable parameter in our construction and the methods developed here could potentially be used to study simulated annealing in a Hilbert space setting. The transferable idea behind this work is that conceiving of algorithms directly in the infinite dimensional setting leads to methods which are robust to finite dimensional approximation. We emphasize that discretizing, and then applying standard finite dimensional techniques in ℝ^N, to either sample or optimize, can lead to algorithms which degenerate as the dimension N increases.

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