
We describe a slightly sub-exponential time algorithm for learning parity functions in the presence of random classification noise. This results in a polynomial-time algorithm for the case of parity functions that depend on only the first O(log n log log n) bits of input. This is the first known instance of an efficient noise-tolerant algorithm for a concept class that is provably not learnable in the Statistical Query model of Kearns [7]. Thus, we demonstrate that the set of problems learnable in the statistical query model is a strict subset of those problems learnable in the presence of noise in the PAC model. In coding-theory terms, what we give is a poly(n)-time algorithm for decoding linear k × n codes in the presence of random noise for the case of k = clog n log log n for some c > 0. (The case of k --- O(log n) is trivial since one can just individually check each of the 2 k possible messages and choose the one that yields the closest codeword.) A natural extension of the statistical query model is to allow queries about statistical properties that involve t-tuples of examples (as opposed to single examples). The second result of this paper is to show that any class of functions learnable (strongly or weakly) with t-wise queries for t = O(log n) is also weakly learnable with standard unary queries. Hence this natural extension to the statistical query model does not increase the set of weakly learnable functions.

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