
The results of an experimental study of the noise from a Continuous Mold-Line Link (CML) flap are presented. Acoustic and unsteady surface pressure measurements were performed on a main element wing section with a half-span CML flap in NASA Langley's Quiet Flow Facility. The acoustic data were acquired with a medium aperture directional array (MADA) of microphones. The Deconvolution Approach for the Mapping of Acoustic Sources (DAMAS) method is applied to determine the spatial distribution and strength of the noise sources over the surface of the test model. A Coherent Output Power (COP) method which relates the output from unsteady surface pressure sensors to the output of the MADA is also used to obtain more detailed characteristics of the noise source distribution in the trailing edge region of the CML. These results are compared to those obtained for a blunt flap to quantify the level of noise benefit that is achieved with the CML flap. The results indicate that the noise from the CML region of the flap is 5 to 17 dB lower (depending on flap deflection and Mach number) than the noise from the side edge region of the blunt flap. Lower noise levels are obtained for all frequencies. Spectral analysis of the noise from the cove region of the CML and blunt flap models also reveal a spectral peak in the high frequency range that is related to noise scattering at the trailing edge of the main element. The peaks in the CML and blunt flap cove noise spectra are close in level and often exceed blunt side edge noise. Applying a strip of serrated tape to the trailing edge of the CML flap model main airfoil reduced the peak but increased other noise somewhat. Directivity measurements show that the CML flap can be more directional than the blunt flap.

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