
The paper highlights the problems of noise pollution of the environment from highways and ways to solve them. Noise protection measures on highways and issues of noise safety of areas adjacent to the highway were analyzed. Typically, noise is caused by traffic, engines, and road surfaces. The objects of the study are noise protection structures and measures on highways. One of the key strategies for noise protection is to choose the right location for road construction and use special geometric solutions that can help reduce the noise load on the surrounding areas. Another important element is the installation of sound barriers. One of the types of this impact is noise pollution, which, according to domestic and international sources, is currently one of the most harmful physical components [1, 2, 3]. A person is constantly harassed by the growing burden of noise, which can have a serious impact on his health and psycho-emotional state. These negative effects are particularly pronounced in roadside areas where noise levels are excessively high.

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