
Among the high ranking pollution, noise pollution has made its positions throughout the globe. There has been increase in noise pollution levels due to the industrialization, growth of traffic and other human activities. Developing countries are at high risk from the noise pollution. . In India people are less aware about the noise pollution when compared with water and then air.  It acts as silent poison on human health. Its affects are mostly visible on the population on long term of exposure. However the decay time of the noise in the environment is very short as compared to water and air pollution. In this book the introduction to sound, noise its monitoring techniques, impact on human and control of noise pollution has been summarized. The main objective of this is to make the population aware about the noise pollution and its adverse affect on the people exposed to it. Government in many countries have amended noise rule in order to control the noise pollution but in real it’s not implemented due to the awareness of the people. The different properties of sound along with its detailed definitions have been summarized in chapter 1. Consequently in the next chapter characteristics of noise along with its source of originations have been given so that people can get knowledge about the sources of noise in the environment. In continuation with this in third chapter measurement techniques and instrument required for the study of noise pollution has also been given in detail. Different noise rating systems and standards of noise as per different pollution board has been given in order to understand the impact on the environment. Impact on the human health due to noise pollution in described in chapter 4. And lastly the control of noise pollution at sources and by equipments has been summarized in the concluding chapter. This book is short introduction about the noise pollution along with properties, impact on human and control techniques. This is helpful in making the people aware about the high ranking noise pollution in the environment.

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