
This case report presents a classical case of nodular scabies in a 12year boy who complained of itching for 20-21days before presentation to the hospital. Application of Betnovate ointment (Betamethasone valerate 0.1%) before presentation to the hospital had provided only 2-3days of relief from itching. Dermatological examination revealed skin colored to erythematous papule of 3-4mm on the body with predilection for web space of fingers and flexural areas and nodules on the scrotum and groin. Based on this, clinical diagnosis of scabies with nodular scabies was made on the child. The scraping obtained from the web-space of the child showed mite under the light microscope, which confirms the diagnosis. Treatment with topical permethrin 5% lotion resulted in 50-70% subsidence of itching within a day, and improvement in impetigo lesions of his father in 5days. However, the scrotal and groin nodular lesion of the child persisted with severe itching. Treatment with topical steroid and tacrolimus 0.1% ointment did not show much improvement. Intralesional injection of triamcinolone (5mg/ml) on the nodule resulted in 30-40% subsidence in itching and 50-60% reduction in the size of the lesion over 2-3weeks.

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