
Postoperative pain management continues to be suboptimal because of the lack of effective nonopioid therapies and absence of understanding of sex-driven differences. Here, we asked how the NLRP3 inflammasome contributes to postoperative pain. Inflammasomes are mediators of the innate immune system that are responsible for activation and secretion of IL-1β upon stimulation by specific molecular signals. Peripheral IL-1β is known to contribute to the mechanical sensitization induced by surgical incision. However, it is not known which inflammasome mediates the IL-1β release after surgical incision. Among the 9 known inflammasomes, the NLRP3 inflammasome is ideally positioned to drive postoperative pain through IL-1β production because NLRP3 can be activated by factors that are released by incision. Here, we show that male mice that lack NLRP3 (NLRP3) recover from surgery-induced behavioral and neuronal mechanical sensitization faster and display less surgical site inflammation than mice expressing NLRP3 (wild-type). By contrast, female NLRP3 mice exhibit minimal attenuation of the postoperative mechanical hypersensitivity and no change in postoperative inflammation compared with wild-type controls. Sensory neuron-specific deletion of NLRP3 revealed that in males, NLRP3 expressed in non-neuronal cells and potentially sensory neurons drives postoperative pain. However, in females, only the NLRP3 that may be expressed in sensory neurons contributes to postoperative pain where the non-neuronal cell contribution is NLRP3 independent. This is the first evidence of a key role for NLRP3 in postoperative pain and reveals immune-mediated sex differences in postoperative pain.

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