
Drug-eluting stents with different drugs, polymers and platforms are currently available on the market. Among the stents of novel generation, significant place belongs to the Nobori® drug-eluting stent (Terumo Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), built on a flexible stent platform coated with an antiproliferative drug, biolimus A9™ and biodegradable polymer, with the drug polymer matrix applied on only the abluminal surface. Extensively studied in the comprehensive NOBORI clinical program, the Nobori drug-eluting stent was superior when compared with Taxus® Liberte® stent for in-stent late loss at 9 months, and noninferior to Cypher® stent in terms of target vessel failure. The initial promising results were confirmed in NOBORI 2, a large study of all-comers patient population. Although underpowered for detection of late and very late stent thromboses, the most interesting findings of NOBORI trials are still the very low rates of these events along with the low frequency of target lesion revascularization.

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