
Abstract— We present an isotope study of noble gases in Divnoe, an anomalous meteorite, and also Rb‐Sr and K‐Ar dating of this meteorite. The relatively young Rb‐Sr age obtained (3.39 Ga) seems doubtful and, most probably, results from weathering or contamination. The ancient K‐Ar age (4.67+0.20–0.40), together with clear excess of 129Xe, allows the suggestion of very early formation of the Divnoe meteorite.Concentrations and isotope ratios of noble gases in Divnoe are: 17.9 ≀ 3He ≀ 29.0 × 10−8; 20Ne = 6.22 × 10−8; 2.44 ≀ 36Ar ≀ 5.10 × 10−8; 130Xe = 41.3 × 10−12 cm3/g; 0.079 ≀ 3He/4He ≀ 0.193; 20Ne/22Ne = 0.860; 21Ne/22Ne = 0.927; 3.47 ≀ 40Ar/36Ar ≀ 9.47; 2.22 ≀ 36Ar/38Ar ≀ 3.27; 129Xe/132Xe = 1.09. The exposure age calculated from cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar is 17.9 ± 0.9 Ma.On the basis of the isotope data for the noble gases and O, and abundances of K, Rb, and Sr, an attempt was made to estimate the relationship of Divnoe to other meteorite types. The O‐isotope characteristics of Divnoe are clearly distinct from those of ordinary chondrites, acapulcoites/lodranites, and SNC meteorites (Petaev et al., 1994, Clayton, 1993). In plots of 136Xe vs. 129Xe/130Xe, the Divnoe data fall outside of the data fields for carbonaceous and enstatite chondrites. The light noble gas data, especially the 40Ar/38Ar ratio, and the 40Ar, 38Ar, 3He, and 4He contents of Divnoe differ significantly from those of all meteorite types except diogenites. The K, Rb, and Sr abundances in Divnoe are substantially lower than in most other meteorites. In the concentrations of these elements, as well as in the REE pattern, the Divnoe meteorite is similar only to diogenites. Divnoe probably should be treated as a restite remaining after partial melting of the chondritic mantle of a parent asteroid body.

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