
Various methods have been used for managing split-thickness skin graft donor sites. Open and closed techniques have been suggested by various authors with the purpose of achieving smooth and rapid healing of the wound. There is growing evidence to suggest that the site and quality of the healing is improved when the wound is protected from dehydration and further mechanical trauma. A recent method is the spraying of Nobecutane Spray on the donor site. Nobecutane sprayed on a wound forms a plastic film which serves as a dressing material. It contains specially modified acrylic resin in an organic solvent (ethyl acetate) and TMTD (tetramethylthiuram disulphide) which is strongly bactericidal and fungicidal. We employed this method on 50 patients and found it to be effective in achieving rapid and painless healing. The dressing is transparent, permits easy follow-up of healing in the donor site, protects the wound against infection, and does not inconvenience the patient. The treatment is simple, economical, and does not require special skills. The dressing peels off spontaneously after epidermal regeneration of the wound is completed. No complications or allergic reaction were observed with this treatment.

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