
Fluorescence dilution approaches can detect bacterial cell division events and can detect if there are differential rates of cell division across individual cells within a population. This approach typically involves inducing expression of a fluorescent protein and then tracking partitioning of fluorescence into daughter cells. However, fluorescence can be diluted very quickly within a rapidly replicating population, such as pathogenic bacterial populations replicating within host tissues. To overcome this limitation, we have generated two revTetR reporter constructs, where either mCherry or yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) is constitutively expressed and repressed by addition of tetracyclines, resulting in fluorescence dilution within defined time frames. We show that fluorescent signals are diluted in replicating populations and that signal accumulates in growth-inhibited populations, including during nitric oxide (NO) exposure. Furthermore, we show that tetracyclines can be delivered to the mouse spleen during Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection and defined a drug concentration that results in even exposure of cells to tetracyclines. We then used this system to visualize bacterial cell division within defined time frames postinfection. revTetR-mCherry allowed us to detect slow-growing cells in response to NO in culture; however, this strain had a growth defect within mouse tissues, which complicated results. To address this issue, we constructed revTetR-YFP using the less toxic YFP and showed that heightened NO exposure correlated with heightened YFP signal, indicating decreased cell division rates within this subpopulation in vivo. This revTetR reporter will provide a critical tool for future studies to identify and isolate slowly replicating bacterial subpopulations from host tissues.

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