
The analysis of heteroplasmy (presence of more than one type of mitochondrial DNA in an individual) is used as a tool in human identification studies, anthropology, and most currently in studies that relate heteroplasmy with longevity. The frequency of heteroplasmy and its correlation with age has been analyzed using different tissues such as blood, muscle, heart, bone and brain and in different regions of mitochondrial DNA, but this analysis had never been performed using hair samples. In this study, samples of hair were sequenced in order to ascertain whether the presence or not of heteroplasmy varied according to age, sex and origin of haplogroup individuals. The samples were grouped by age (3 groups), gender (male and female) and haplogroup of origin (European, African and Native American), and analyzed using the chi-square statistical test (χ(2)). Based in statistical results obtained, we conclude that there is no relationship between heteroplasmy and sex, age and haplogroup origin using hair samples.

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